Thursday 27 February 2014

PDF⋙ Student Solutions Manual for Trigonometry: A Unit Circle Approach by Michael Sullivan

Student Solutions Manual for Trigonometry: A Unit Circle Approach by Michael Sullivan

Student Solutions Manual for Trigonometry: A Unit Circle Approach

Student Solutions Manual for Trigonometry: A Unit Circle Approach by Michael Sullivan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This Manual provides fully worked solutions to odd-numbered exercises. It is also available within MyMathLab.

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Student Solutions Manual for Trigonometry: A Unit Circle Approach by Michael Sullivan EPub

Wednesday 26 February 2014

PDF⋙ Witching Stones by M. A. Madigan, P. M. Richards

Witching Stones by M. A. Madigan, P. M. Richards

Witching Stones

Witching Stones by M. A. Madigan, P. M. Richards PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Like a tiny altar in your pocket!

Featuring the symbols of traditional witchcraft, modern Wicca, and other pagan beliefs, the Witching Stones are a unique and fun tool for novice witches as well as an effective divination method for more advanced practitioners. As you learn the meanings of each of the thirty-five Witching Stones, you will grow to understand the basic beliefs and knowledge of the Craft.

Infinitely handy, the Witching Stones eliminate the need to carry your cauldron and other tools on a 10-mile hike. Like a tiny altar in your pocket, you can discreetly cast spells and perform rituals anywhere, even at your desk or at the airport!

The accompanying guidebook provides several divination methods, an explanation of the meaning and use of each symbol, and spells for all occasions.

·Perfect for teens and young adults interested in Wicca
·Consists of 35 of the essential symbols of witchcraft carved onto modern tiles
·Less complex and intimidating than other divinatory oracles such as Tarot or runes
·Instruction book contains seven spells for love, prosperity, protection, and more

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Monday 24 February 2014

PDF⋙ Gleaning Modernity: Earlier Eighteenth-Century Literature and the Modernizing Process by Eric Rothstein

Gleaning Modernity: Earlier Eighteenth-Century Literature and the Modernizing Process by Eric Rothstein

Gleaning Modernity: Earlier Eighteenth-Century Literature and the Modernizing Process

Gleaning Modernity: Earlier Eighteenth-Century Literature and the Modernizing Process by Eric Rothstein PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"Gleaning Modernity" shows how earlier eighteenth-century literary texts might have eased the way for Britain's increasing Modernity. They allowed Modern scenarios to be played out imaginatively, as simulations for experimental, predictive ends. The process spoke to the needs and desires of readers in a world of rapid, managed change. It worked unobtrusively first because of the practice of recycling old forms, as Pope and Richardson did, for example, with Horatian and tragic models, respectively; and second because given texts offered different readers a range of interpretative options.Along with providing original readings of such major texts as "Gulliver's Travels" and "Clarissa", this study enlarges our sense of the Modernizing process. It also shows how a consumer-driven, Darwinian model of adaptive change, affecting literature and its readership, can help us understand the ways in which literature can have social efficacy. Eric Rothstein is Edgar W. Lacy Professor of English Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin.

From reader reviews:

Lisa Buffington:

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Sunday 23 February 2014

PDF⋙ Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature by Janine M. Benyus

Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature by Janine M. Benyus

Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature

Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature by Janine M. Benyus PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This profound and accessible book details how science is studying nature’s best ideas to solve our toughest 21st-century problems.

If chaos theory transformed our view of the universe, biomimicry is transforming our life on Earth. Biomimicry is innovation inspired by nature – taking advantage of evolution’s 3.8 billion years of R&D since the first bacteria. Biomimics study nature’s best ideas: photosynthesis, brain power, and shells – and adapt them for human use. They are revolutionising how we invent, compute, heal ourselves, harness energy, repair the environment, and feed the world.

Science writer and lecturer Janine Benyus names and explains this phenomenon. She takes us into the lab and out in the field with cutting-edge researchers as they stir vats of proteins to unleash their computing power; analyse how electrons zipping around a leaf cell convert sunlight into fuel in trillionths of a second; discover miracle drugs by watching what chimps eat when they’re sick; study the hardy prairie as a model for low-maintenance agriculture; and more.

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Friday 21 February 2014

PDF⋙ Maya Archaeology 3: Featuring the Grolier Codex by Michael Coe, Mary Miller, Stephen Houston, Karl Taube, Simon Martin, Takeshi Inomata, Daniela Triadan, Christophe Helmke, Jaime Awe, Shawn Morton, Gyles Iannone, Kenichiro Tsukamoto, Octavio Esparza, Arnoldo Gonzalez, Joshua Balcells, Mary Jane Acuña

Maya Archaeology 3: Featuring the Grolier Codex by Michael Coe, Mary Miller, Stephen Houston, Karl Taube, Simon Martin, Takeshi Inomata, Daniela Triadan, Christophe Helmke, Jaime Awe, Shawn Morton, Gyles Iannone, Kenichiro Tsukamoto, Octavio Esparza, Arnoldo Gonzalez, Joshua Balcells, Mary Jane Acuña

Maya Archaeology 3: Featuring the Grolier Codex

Maya Archaeology 3: Featuring the Grolier Codex by Michael Coe, Mary Miller, Stephen Houston, Karl Taube, Simon Martin, Takeshi Inomata, Daniela Triadan, Christophe Helmke, Jaime Awe, Shawn Morton, Gyles Iannone, Kenichiro Tsukamoto, Octavio Esparza, Arnoldo Gonzalez, Joshua Balcells, Mary Jane Acuña PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Continuing in the tradition of the Maya Archaeology series from Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, this volume offers chapters by leading authorities on discoveries and research in the field of Maya archaeology. Topics include a royal tomb at Palenque, an early Maya ceremonial center at Ceibal, a hieroglyphic stairway at El Palmar recording a pilgrimage to distant Copan, and breakthrough insights into Maya divinity. The volume is accompanied by a facsimile of an authentic Maya screenfold book, the Grolier Codex.

Chapters include: The Text and Context of the Cuychen Vase, Macal Valley, Belize, by Christophe Helmke, Jaime J. Awe, Shawn G. Morton, and Gyles Iannone....Ajpach' Waal: The Hieroglyphic Stairway of the Guzman Group of El Palmar, Campeche, Mexico, by Kenichiro Tsukamoto and Octavio Esparza....Middle Preclassic Caches from Ceibal, Guatemala, by Takeshi Inomata and Daniela Triadan....The Funerary Complex of Temple XX: Offering and Ritual in the Early Classic Period of Palenque, by Arnoldo Gonzalez Cruz and Joshua Balcells....The Fourth Maya Codex, by Michael Coe, Mary Miller, Stephen Houston, and Karl Taube...Royal Death, Tombs, and Cosmic Landscapes: Early Classic Maya Tomb Murals from Rio Azul, Guatemala, by Mary Jane Acuña...The Old Man of the Maya Universe: Unified Aspects to Ancient Maya Religion, by Simon Martin.

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Maya Archaeology 3: Featuring the Grolier Codex by Michael Coe, Mary Miller, Stephen Houston, Karl Taube, Simon Martin, Takeshi Inomata, Daniela Triadan, Christophe Helmke, Jaime Awe, Shawn Morton, Gyles Iannone, Kenichiro Tsukamoto, Octavio Esparza, Arnoldo Gonzalez, Joshua Balcells, Mary Jane Acuña Free PDF d0wnl0ad, audio books, books to read, good books to read, cheap books, good books, online books, books online, book reviews epub, read books online, books to read online, online library, greatbooks to read, PDF best books to read, top books to read Maya Archaeology 3: Featuring the Grolier Codex by Michael Coe, Mary Miller, Stephen Houston, Karl Taube, Simon Martin, Takeshi Inomata, Daniela Triadan, Christophe Helmke, Jaime Awe, Shawn Morton, Gyles Iannone, Kenichiro Tsukamoto, Octavio Esparza, Arnoldo Gonzalez, Joshua Balcells, Mary Jane Acuña books to read online.

Maya Archaeology 3: Featuring the Grolier Codex by Michael Coe, Mary Miller, Stephen Houston, Karl Taube, Simon Martin, Takeshi Inomata, Daniela Triadan, Christophe Helmke, Jaime Awe, Shawn Morton, Gyles Iannone, Kenichiro Tsukamoto, Octavio Esparza, Arnoldo Gonzalez, Joshua Balcells, Mary Jane Acuña Doc

Maya Archaeology 3: Featuring the Grolier Codex by Michael Coe, Mary Miller, Stephen Houston, Karl Taube, Simon Martin, Takeshi Inomata, Daniela Triadan, Christophe Helmke, Jaime Awe, Shawn Morton, Gyles Iannone, Kenichiro Tsukamoto, Octavio Esparza, Arnoldo Gonzalez, Joshua Balcells, Mary Jane Acuña Mobipocket
Maya Archaeology 3: Featuring the Grolier Codex by Michael Coe, Mary Miller, Stephen Houston, Karl Taube, Simon Martin, Takeshi Inomata, Daniela Triadan, Christophe Helmke, Jaime Awe, Shawn Morton, Gyles Iannone, Kenichiro Tsukamoto, Octavio Esparza, Arnoldo Gonzalez, Joshua Balcells, Mary Jane Acuña EPub

Tuesday 18 February 2014

PDF⋙ United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982:A Commentary Volume II Article 1 to 85 Annexes I and II Final Act, Annex II (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982)

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982:A Commentary Volume II Article 1 to 85 Annexes I and II Final Act, Annex II (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982)

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982:A Commentary Volume II Article 1 to 85 Annexes I and II Final Act, Annex II (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982)

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982:A Commentary Volume II Article 1 to 85 Annexes I and II Final Act, Annex II (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

These commentaries are based almost entirely on the formal and informal documentation of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III, 1973-1982), coupled, where necessary, with the personal knowledge of editors, contributors, or reviewers, many of whom were principal negotiators or UN personnel who participated in the Conference.

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PDF⋙ Joseph Csaky: A Pioneer of Modern Sculpture (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society)

Joseph Csaky: A Pioneer of Modern Sculpture (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society)

Joseph Csaky: A Pioneer of Modern Sculpture (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society)

Joseph Csaky: A Pioneer of Modern Sculpture (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

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Sunday 16 February 2014

PDF⋙ The Art of Problem Solving, Vol. 1: The Basics by Sandor Lehoczky, Richard Rusczyk

The Art of Problem Solving, Vol. 1: The Basics by Sandor Lehoczky, Richard Rusczyk

The Art of Problem Solving, Vol. 1: The Basics

The Art of Problem Solving, Vol. 1: The Basics by Sandor Lehoczky, Richard Rusczyk PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Art of Problem Solving, Volume 1, is the classic problem solving textbook used by many successful MATHCOUNTS programs, and have been an important building block for students who, like the authors, performed well enough on the American Mathematics Contest series to qualify for the Math Olympiad Summer Program which trains students for the United States International Math Olympiad team. Volume 1 is appropriate for students just beginning in math contests. MATHCOUNTS and novice high school students particularly have found it invaluable. Although the Art of Problem Solving is widely used by students preparing for mathematics competitions, the book is not just a collection of tricks. The emphasis on learning and understanding methods rather than memorizing formulas enables students to solve large classes of problems beyond those presented in the book. Speaking of problems, the Art of Problem Solving, Volume 1, contains over 500 examples and exercises culled from such contests as MATHCOUNTS, the Mandelbrot Competition, the AMC tests, and ARML. Full solutions (not just answers!) are available for all the problems in the solution manual.

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Saturday 15 February 2014

PDF⋙ The Moral Ecology of Markets: Assessing Claims about Markets and Justice by Daniel Finn

The Moral Ecology of Markets: Assessing Claims about Markets and Justice by Daniel Finn

The Moral Ecology of Markets: Assessing Claims about Markets and Justice

The Moral Ecology of Markets: Assessing Claims about Markets and Justice by Daniel Finn PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Disagreements about the morality of markets, and about self-interested behavior within markets, run deep. They arise from perspectives within economics and political philosophy that appear to have nothing in common. In this book, Daniel Finn provides a framework for understanding these conflicting points of view. Recounting the arguments for and against markets and self-interest, he argues that every economy must address four fundamental problems: allocation, distribution, scale, and the quality of relations. In addition, every perspective on the morality of markets addresses explicitly or implicitly the economic, political, and cultural contexts of markets, or what Finn terms 'the moral ecology of markets'. His book enables a dialogue among the various participants in the debate over justice in markets. In this process, Finn engages with major figures in political philosophy, including John Rawls, Robert Nozick, and Michael Walzer, as well as in economics, notably Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, and James Buchannan.

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Mariano Smith:

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Saturday 8 February 2014

PDF⋙ The Beader's Guide to Jewelry Design: A Beautiful Exploration of Unity, Balance, Color & More (Lark Jewelry & Beading) by Margie Deeb

The Beader's Guide to Jewelry Design: A Beautiful Exploration of Unity, Balance, Color & More (Lark Jewelry & Beading) by Margie Deeb

The Beader's Guide to Jewelry Design: A Beautiful Exploration of Unity, Balance, Color & More (Lark Jewelry & Beading)

The Beader's Guide to Jewelry Design: A Beautiful Exploration of Unity, Balance, Color & More (Lark Jewelry & Beading) by Margie Deeb PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Once beaders have mastered the basics and enjoyed bringing others' patterns to life, they're ready and eager to take the next step: creating their own original pieces. Here, finally, is their must-have guidebook to the fundamental principles of visual design. Focusing on jewelry, it helps beaders explore concepts such as unity, scale, proportion, balance, rhythm, volume, shape, pattern, texture, movement, drape, and color in their work. Exercises, reader challenges, and lavish photos enhance understanding and assure design success. 

From reader reviews:

Judy Washburn:

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Friday 7 February 2014

PDF⋙ Red, White and Black (7th Edition) by Gary B. Nash

Red, White and Black (7th Edition) by Gary B. Nash

Red, White and Black (7th Edition)

Red, White and Black (7th Edition) by Gary B. Nash PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Explores how the most diverse society in the Atlantic world was shaped through two centuries of development

Written by highly acclaimed historian Gary B. Nash, this text presents an interpretive account of the interactions between Native Americans, African Americans, and Euroamericans during the colonial and revolutionary eras. It reveals the crucial interconnections between North America's many peoples, illustrating the ease of their interactions in the first two centuries of European and African presence to develop a fuller, deeper understanding of the nation's underpinnings. 

MySearchLab is a part of the Nash program. Research and writing tools, including access to academic journals, help students understand critical thinking in even greater depth. To provide students with flexibility, students can download the eText to a tablet using the free Pearson eText app.


NOTE: This is the standalone book.


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PDF⋙ How Ramps, Wedges and Screws Work (How Simple Machines Work) by Jim Mezzanotte

How Ramps, Wedges and Screws Work (How Simple Machines Work) by Jim Mezzanotte

How Ramps, Wedges and Screws Work (How Simple Machines Work)

How Ramps, Wedges and Screws Work (How Simple Machines Work) by Jim Mezzanotte PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Forces and motion are key concepts in the elementary science curriculum. How Simple Machines Work uses easy-to-read text and full-color photographs to help young readers understand the principles behind simple machines. Each volume includes three diagrams to enhance understanding. The text has been vetted by a science curriculum consultant and a reading consultant, allowing students to build reading skills as well as their knowledge of science concepts.

From reader reviews:

Charles Alexander:

In this 21st one hundred year, people become competitive in each and every way. By being competitive currently, people have do something to make these individuals survives, being in the middle of the crowded place and notice by means of surrounding. One thing that at times many people have underestimated this for a while is reading. Yeah, by reading a book your ability to survive improve then having chance to stay than other is high. In your case who want to start reading any book, we give you this kind of How Ramps, Wedges and Screws Work (How Simple Machines Work) book as basic and daily reading reserve. Why, because this book is more than just a book.

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Thursday 6 February 2014

PDF⋙ Lasting Spring: Jessie Catherine Kingsley, Daughter of the Oneida Community (York State Books) by Jane Kinsley Rich

Lasting Spring: Jessie Catherine Kingsley, Daughter of the Oneida Community (York State Books) by Jane Kinsley Rich

Lasting Spring: Jessie Catherine Kingsley, Daughter of the Oneida Community (York State Books)

Lasting Spring: Jessie Catherine Kingsley, Daughter of the Oneida Community (York State Books) by Jane Kinsley Rich PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The author describes her life and experiences as a member of the Oneida Community, an experiment in communal living in New York State.

From reader reviews:

Tonya Hooper:

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Michael Becker:

Information is provisions for anyone to get better life, information presently can get by anyone on everywhere. The information can be a information or any news even an issue. What people must be consider while those information which is inside the former life are challenging to be find than now's taking seriously which one is suitable to believe or which one typically the resource are convinced. If you receive the unstable resource then you obtain it as your main information we will see huge disadvantage for you. All those possibilities will not happen inside you if you take Lasting Spring: Jessie Catherine Kingsley, Daughter of the Oneida Community (York State Books) as your daily resource information.

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Wednesday 5 February 2014

PDF⋙ The Next Species: The Future of Evolution in the Aftermath of Man by Michael Tennesen

The Next Species: The Future of Evolution in the Aftermath of Man by Michael Tennesen

The Next Species: The Future of Evolution in the Aftermath of Man

The Next Species: The Future of Evolution in the Aftermath of Man by Michael Tennesen PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

“Simultaneously sobering and exhilarating, Michael Tennesen’s wide-ranging survey of disasters highlights both life’s fragility and its metamorphosing persistence” (Booklist) and describes what life on earth could look like after the next mass extinction.

A growing number of scientists agree we are headed toward a mass extinction, perhaps in as little as 300 years. Already there have been five mass extinctions in the last 600 million years, including the Cretaceous Extinction, during which an asteroid knocked out the dinosaurs. Though these events were initially destructive, they were also prime movers of evolutionary change in nature. And we can see some of the warning signs of another extinction event coming, as our oceans lose both fish and oxygen, and our lands lose both predators and prey. In The Next Species, Michael Tennesen questions what life might be like after it happens.

In thoughtful, provocative ways, Tennesen discusses the future of nature and whether humans will make it through the bottleneck of extinction. Could life suddenly get very big as it did before the arrival of humans? Could the conquest of Mars lead to another form of human? Could we upload our minds into a computer and live in a virtual reality? How would we recognize the next humans? Are they with us now?

Tennesen delves into the history of the planet and travels to rainforests, canyons, craters, and caves all over the world to explore the potential winners and losers of the next era of evolution. His predictions, based on reports and interviews with top scientists, have vital implications for life on earth today. The Next Species is “an engrossing history of life, the dismal changes wrought by man, and a forecast of life after the sixth mass extinction” (Kirkus Reviews).

From reader reviews:

Derek Wire:

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Josephine Draughn:

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PDF⋙ A Garden Where Mandalas Grow Sacred Geometry Coloring Book: 42 Geometric Mandalas for Adults and Children by Ansel Bickerton

A Garden Where Mandalas Grow Sacred Geometry Coloring Book: 42 Geometric Mandalas for Adults and Children by Ansel Bickerton

A Garden Where Mandalas Grow Sacred Geometry Coloring Book: 42 Geometric Mandalas for Adults and Children

A Garden Where Mandalas Grow Sacred Geometry Coloring Book: 42 Geometric Mandalas for Adults and Children by Ansel Bickerton PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

"A Garden Where Mandalas Grow" is a coloring book tribute to the rich heritage of geometry. The therapeutic use of mandala coloring is the essence of "A Garden Where Mandalas Grow". Participating in the universal language of geometry can progress the evolution of one's self - as does great music, good friends, and balanced living. Each page is intended to demonstrate that ALL is one and ONE is all. -42 coloring pages measuring 8.5" x 11" (21cm x 28 cm) -Varied complexity to suit your preference -One-sided printing to prevent bleeding (also allows for each page to be framed) -Blank pages to test your coloring medium -Gain insight and deeper appreciation of the rich heritage of geometry -A great way to relax - Mandala coloring can be used as open eye meditation - A fun way to cultivate interest in math, science, and art - Coloring books make great gifts for all ages. It's your turn to join the great conversation.

From reader reviews:

Deana Smith:

Now a day individuals who Living in the era wherever everything reachable by match the internet and the resources included can be true or not need people to be aware of each data they get. How a lot more to be smart in acquiring any information nowadays? Of course the solution is reading a book. Reading a book can help folks out of this uncertainty Information specially this A Garden Where Mandalas Grow Sacred Geometry Coloring Book: 42 Geometric Mandalas for Adults and Children book because book offers you rich data and knowledge. Of course the info in this book hundred per-cent guarantees there is no doubt in it you may already know.

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PDF⋙ Psychological Science (Fifth Edition) by Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton, Diane Halpern

Psychological Science (Fifth Edition) by Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton, Diane Halpern

Psychological Science (Fifth Edition)

Psychological Science (Fifth Edition) by Michael Gazzaniga, Todd Heatherton, Diane Halpern PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Reflecting the latest APA Guidelines and accompanied by an exciting, new, formative, adaptive online learning tool, Psychological Science, Fifth Edition, will train your students to be savvy, scientific thinkers.

Psychological Science, Fifth Edition, is a dynamic introduction to psychology that reflects the latest APA Guidelines. With psychological reasoning at the core of this edition, students will learn to critically evaluate information and become better scientific thinkers. W. W. Norton’s new, formative, adaptive online learning tool, InQuizitive, identifies what students know, personalizes review content to give them the help they need, and improves student understanding through an engaging, gamelike environment.

From reader reviews:

Timothy Parker:

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